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Trialethical journals give readers an opportunity to pull out meaningful passages from the book, offer their own responses to the text and then discuss their observations and thoughts with a partner. 


You can view an example of my trialethical journal here




IMAGINE: Create a monologue or set of monologues told from the point of view of one of the writers/characters from Border-Line Personalities. Draw on the text for inspiration. 


Choose background images and media as part of your set. Make programs and invite the broader community. 

Whether you identify as a Latina or not, the Border-Line Personalities anthology holds much potential for teaching and learning. Here you will find just some ideas to discuss the book and to elevate and extend the discussion that begins within its pages.



  • Make a collage inspired by the book. Here are some great examples: 

by Jobelle Caday

by Nikole St. John

  • C​reate personal bookmarks inspired by the book.

by Chrisma Luna

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